Coaching Singapore

Finding strength when times get tough


Learn continually – there’s always “one more thing” to learn! – Steve Jobs

“Tough times never last, but tough people do.”


Life is filled with moments of joy, but it also presents us with inevitable challenges that can test our resolve. 


Whether it is dealing with personal loss, facing health issues, navigating financial difficulties, or enduring global crises, we all encounter periods that push us to our limits. 


Recently, we have also been hearing very sad news of innocent people becoming the victims of violence in their own homelands – from Bangladesh to Ukraine to Venezuela.


During these hard times, finding strength and resilience becomes essential. 


This piece delves into the strategies and mindsets that can help us build and maintain resilience, allowing us to not only survive but thrive through life’s most demanding periods. 


Just like pilots who are supposed to always keep looking out mid-flight for a good place to land in case their plane develops trouble, by expecting problems to occur, we can emerge from adversity more empowered and ready to face the future.


“Forewarned is forearmed”. Preparing for all kinds of likely situations, while avoiding needless risk is the key to success.


What kind of challenges do people face regularly in their lives that many can struggle with?


People regularly face a variety of challenges in their lives, many of which can be difficult to manage and can lead to significant stress. Here are some common challenges that people struggle with:


1. Financial Pressure

  • Struggles: Managing debt, living paycheck to paycheck, dealing with unexpected expenses, saving for the future.

  • Impact: Financial stress can affect mental health, relationships, and overall well-being.


2. Health Issues

  • Struggles: Chronic illness, mental health disorders, disabilities, or unexpected health crises.

  • Impact: Health problems can limit one’s ability to work, enjoy life, and maintain relationships.


3. Relationship Problems

  • Struggles: Conflicts with family, friends, or partners, divorce, or the loss of a loved one.

  • Impact: Relationship issues can lead to loneliness, depression, and anxiety.


4. Work-Related Stress

  • Struggles: Job insecurity, work-life balance, high workloads, burnout, or difficult workplace relationships.

  • Impact: Chronic work stress can result in physical and mental health issues and affect personal life.


5. Parenting Challenges

  • Struggles: Raising children, managing their education, dealing with behavioural issues, or balancing parenting with other responsibilities.

  • Impact: Parenting can be emotionally and physically exhausting, especially without adequate support.


6. Time Management

  • Struggles: Balancing multiple responsibilities, feeling overwhelmed by tasks, or struggling to find time for self-care.

  • Impact: Poor time management can lead to stress, burnout, and a feeling of being out of control.


7. Loss and Grief

  • Struggles: Coping with the death of a loved one, loss of a job, or any significant life change.

  • Impact: Grief can be debilitating, affecting one’s ability to function normally in daily life.


8. Self-Identity and Purpose

  • Struggles: Questioning life’s purpose, dealing with self-doubt, or struggling with personal identity and self-worth.

  • Impact: These existential challenges can lead to anxiety, depression, and a sense of aimlessness.


9. Social Pressure

  • Struggles: Meeting societal expectations, dealing with peer pressure, or facing judgement from others.

  • Impact: Social pressure can lead to stress, low self-esteem, and unhealthy behaviours.


10. Uncertainty and Change

  • Struggles: Facing life transitions, such as moving, changing jobs, or adapting to new life circumstances.

  • Impact: Uncertainty can create anxiety and fear, making it difficult to adapt to new situations.


11. Personal Development

  • Struggles: Setting and achieving goals, overcoming procrastination, or dealing with failure and setbacks.

  • Impact: Personal growth challenges can lead to frustration and feelings of inadequacy.


12. Addiction and Substance Abuse

  • Struggles: Battling addiction, whether to drugs, alcohol, or other behaviours like gambling.

  • Impact: Addiction can have devastating effects on health, relationships, and financial stability.


These challenges are part of the human experience, and while some people may navigate them more easily, many struggle at different points in their lives. Recognising these common difficulties can help people seek the support they need and develop strategies to cope more effectively.


How does one find strength in trying times?


Finding strength in trying times can be deeply personal and varies from one individual to another. Here are some approaches that many people find helpful:


1. Focus on What You Can Control

  • Not everything is within your control, and accepting this can reduce stress.

  • Practice: Identify aspects of the situation you can influence and take steps to manage them.


2. Cultivate a Support System

  • Human connection can offer emotional and practical support.

  • Practice: Reach out to friends, family, or support groups who can offer encouragement, advice, or just a listening ear.


3. Mindfulness and Self-Care

  • Taking care of your mental and physical well-being strengthens resilience.

  • Practice: Engage in activities that relax and rejuvenate you, such as meditation, exercise, or hobbies.


4. Reflect on Past Challenges

  • Previous experiences can remind you of your resilience.

  • Practice: Reflect on past difficulties you have overcome to remind yourself of your inner strength.


5. Focus on Purpose and Meaning

  • A sense of purpose can anchor you in tough times.

  • Practice: Connect with what gives your life meaning, whether it is relationships, work, or personal goals.


6. Break Down the Situation

  • Large challenges can be overwhelming, but breaking them down makes them more manageable.

  • Practice: Tackle problems step by step, focusing on small, achievable tasks.


7. Seek Professional Help if Needed

  • Sometimes, external guidance is necessary to navigate difficult periods.

  • Practice: Do not hesitate to consult a counsellor or therapist if you need support.


8. Embrace the Power of Positivity

  • Positivity does not deny reality but helps in maintaining a hopeful outlook.

  • Practice: Practice gratitude, even for small things, to shift focus away from negative thoughts.


These strategies are general guidelines and can be adapted to fit your unique situation. Finding strength often involves combining multiple approaches and being patient with yourself through the process.

For your essential executive presence & resilience coaching, contact Coach Sam via the form below or email 

Comment: Is there any tip/hack that you have personally used in order to learn things quickly which has not been covered in this blog?

Let me know in the comment section below, I would love to hear your stories.

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