Coaching Singapore

The Power of Being Nice: A Key to Success for Executives and Leaders

Learn continually – there’s always “one more thing” to learn! – Steve Jobs


In the competitive realm of business, the concept of being nice often gets overshadowed by the pursuit of strategic goals and financial success. However, for executives, managers, and leaders, embracing niceness can be a potent tool for personal growth, team enhancement, and organizational success. This article explores the multifaceted nature of niceness, its implications in the corporate world, and practical approaches to cultivating this quality.

What is the Meaning of Being Nice?

Being nice, in a corporate context, transcends mere politeness or agreeability. It encompasses empathy, compassion, respect, active listening, and genuine concern for others. This doesn’t imply a constant state of agreeableness, but rather a consistent approach of kindness and understanding in interactions, decision-making, and leadership.

Is Niceness a form of Weakness?

Contrary to some beliefs, niceness is not a weakness but a strength. A common misconception is that nice leaders are pushovers or lack decisiveness. In reality, niceness can be leveraged as a strategic tool to build trust, foster open communication, and create a supportive work environment, all of which are crucial for long-term success.

Why Be Nice?

  1. Team Morale and Productivity: Nice leaders can significantly boost team morale, leading to increased productivity and lower turnover rates. Employees feel valued and motivated to contribute more effectively.

  2. Building Relationships: Being nice helps in nurturing strong relationships with peers, subordinates, and stakeholders, fostering a network of support and collaboration.

  3. Reputation and Brand Image: Leaders who are nice enhance their personal and corporate brand image, attracting talent, customers, and partnerships.

Does One Always Have to Be Nice?

Being consistently nice is ideal, but it’s also important to balance niceness with assertiveness. There are situations where difficult decisions must be made for the greater

good, which might not always be perceived as nice. The key is to maintain respect and empathy, even in tough situations.

Niceness of Intentions vs Niceness in Action

Intentions and actions do not always align. A leader may have good intentions but may fail to act nicely due to various pressures or misconceptions about leadership. Sometimes, being outwardly nice, i.e. soft or pleasant, may not even be the best course of action – like when needing to discipline certain staff members in private. Conversely, a leader might act nicely without genuinely caring, which can eventually erode trust. Authenticity in both intention and action is crucial.

The Cost and Benefits of Being Nice Costs:

  1. Misinterpretation: Niceness can sometimes be misinterpreted as a lack of seriousness or resolve.

  2. Difficult Decisions: Nice leaders may struggle with making unpopular decisions.


  1. Enhanced Collaboration: A nice demeanour encourages open communication and collaboration.

  2. Positive Work Environment: It fosters a more positive, productive work environment.

  3. Long-term Success: Nice leaders often achieve sustainable success due to strong, loyal teams and networks.

How to Develop & Practice Being Nice?

  1. Empathy Training: Engage in empathy training to better understand and relate to others’ perspectives.

  2. Feedback Mechanism: Implement a system to receive feedback on your leadership style and work on areas needing improvement.

  3. Mentorship and Coaching: Seek mentorship or coaching to develop emotional intelligence and effective people skills.

  4. Self-Reflection: Regularly reflect on your actions and their impact on others.

  5. Consistent Practice: Consistently practice kindness and understanding in daily


Situations that call for Niceness

  1. Conflict Resolution: Being nice can de-escalate conflicts and lead to amicable solutions.

  2. Change Management: During organizational changes, a nice approach can ease transitions and maintain morale.

  3. Team Building: It is crucial in building and maintaining a cohesive team.

  4. Negotiations: A nice but firm approach can lead to more favourable outcomes in


Examples of being nice in the workplace

Demonstrating niceness in the workplace involves a blend of empathy, understanding, and supportive actions. Here are some examples of how you can show niceness to colleagues in various situations:

  1. Offering Support During High-Pressure Times: If a colleague is overwhelmed with a looming deadline or a high workload, offering assistance or simply asking if there’s anything you can do to help can be a great act of kindness.

  2. Acknowledging Achievements: Recognizing and appreciating the hard work and achievements of colleagues not only boosts their morale but also fosters a positive work environment. This can be as simple as congratulating them on a successful project or acknowledging their contribution in a team meeting.

  3. Being a Good Listener: Sometimes, colleagues just need someone to listen to them, whether it’s work-related or personal. Showing genuine interest and giving them your full attention without immediately jumping to solutions can make them feel valued and understood.

  4. Mentoring and Sharing Knowledge: Offering guidance or mentorship to less experienced colleagues is a great way to be nice. Sharing your knowledge or providing resources can help them grow professionally.

  5. Showing Empathy in Difficult Times: If a colleague is going through a tough time, such as a personal loss or stress, expressing empathy and offering support, even if it’s just a listening ear, can mean a lot.

  6. Inclusive Behaviour: Inviting a new team member to lunch or including everyone in discussions ensures that no one feels left out. This can be particularly important in diverse workplaces.

  7. Providing Constructive Feedback: Niceness doesn’t mean avoiding difficult conversations. Providing constructive feedback in a respectful and helpful manner is a way of showing that you care about your colleague’s professional growth.

  8. Celebrating Milestones: Acknowledging personal milestones like birthdays, work anniversaries, or even small wins like completing a challenging task can create a more connected and friendly workplace.

  9. Resolving Conflicts with Respect: If you’re involved in or witnessing a conflict, approaching the situation in a calm and respectful state of being can set the tone for a constructive resolution.

10. Checking In Regularly: Regularly checking in with colleagues, not just about work but also about how they are doing in general, can help build stronger, more empathetic relationships.

Remember, being nice isn’t about grand gestures; it’s often the small, consistent acts of kindness and understanding that have the most significant impact in the workplace.


Being nice is not about being weak or overly agreeable; it’s about being empathetic, respectful, and genuinely concerned for the well-being of others. For executives and leaders, it’s a strategic asset that can lead to a more positive work environment, stronger relationships, and ultimately, greater success. By understanding the power of niceness and learning to implement it effectively, leaders can transform their approach and drive their teams and organizations to new heights.


This article draws upon general principles of leadership and organizational behaviour. It assumes that “niceness” is not a universal concept and its interpretation may vary across different cultures and organizational contexts. The recommendations provided are based on a broad understanding of leadership and human interaction within a professional setting. For more specific applications, it’s advisable for leaders to consider the unique dynamics of their organizations and teams.

Self-reflection exercise

Questions to ask yourself (homework!)

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